9 nov 2017

Memories from July 12th, 2017

Happy days in my life:

  1. July. I made a trip to see you. Although short and fleeting, a feeling I will never forget. 
  2. The night in Mexico City when Joaco Vitola jumped off stage and sang to me. 
  3. 5:30 a.m. A common morning in my hometown after being gone for quite sometime. It was chilly and quiet. Breakfast was milk, homemade bread and honey. 
  4. Shoreditch park. I saw Cavan McCarthy and he was soooo pretty. I was able to see Swim Deep playing live and that was a dream come true 
  5. Yesterday in the Hutongs, being away from home. Very far away, a lovely afternoon. 
  6. I was 11 years old. I read The God of Small Things. I couldn't understand it but I knew I loved it. 
  7. Days when I realize things. 

Trying not to cry. Life is full of so many things. You are beautiful. I miss you. I'm happy. One day you will realize it too. Wish we could have gone to Paris together. I send you love. Thanks for taking care of my plants. The world is awful but we have been lucky. I will always write about you.

    8. You never called me back. A feeling I'll never forget.

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